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University Level 政策 Development

University-Level 政策 Development

Applies to:Original 政策 Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
学生, faculty, and employees December 1, 2021 August 2024 Dr. John Nicklow

政策 Owner: Office of the President

政策 Purpose

University-level policies govern operations, clarify institutional expectations, and support the university mission. They also reduce risk and articulate required compliance with laws, regulations, and accreditation standards. This policy requires that university-level policy follow a defined process for creation, 审查, 修订, recommendation, and maintenance of new and existing university-level policies that is clear, consistent, and accessible.

政策 Scope

This policy applies to all university-level policies and those who develop, 批准, 管理, and maintain them, excluding the faculty handbook.  

政策 Statement

New university-level policies and 修订s to existing policies must be recommended, 发达, 批准, and maintained using the established university procedure described in this policy. 政策 must conform to the policy template.

Approved University 政策 are published on the policy website and take precedence over any policies established at a lower organizational level. 政策 may not conflict with one another and must adhere to all legal, regulatory, or compliance requirements. 

The policy owner must 审查 each policy at least annually. Minor editorial 修订s to policies may be submitted as needed. 政策 must be 批准 by the appropriate university policy authority.


Process Initiation and Drafting

New 政策 Development

  1. When a new university-level policy need is identified, the prospective policy owner sends a recommendation to & The policy team verifies that the policy does not already exist and forwards the recommendation to the appropriate policy authority.
  2. The policy authority 审查s the recommendation, decides how to proceed, and tasks the appropriate area with drafting of the policy as required.
  3. The assigned policy drafter consults other stakeholders who may be impacted, drafts the policy using the policy template, and sends it to the policy owner's academic or administrative unit head for 审查.

Existing 政策 Review/Revision

  1. 政策 审查 is initiated bi-annually and as needed.
    • Compliance and Legal sends a notification to the appropriate unit(s) for 审查 bi-annually.
    • Review may be requested at other times as warranted by institutional, regulatory, or societal changes.
  2. The policy owner or other designee of the policy authority 审查s the policy and consults other stakeholders who may be impacted.
  3. The policy owner or other designee of the policy authority drafts the recommended revised policy using the policy template and sends it to the policy owner's academic or administrative unit head for 审查.

Review and Approval for All New 政策 and 政策 Revisions

  1. The policy owner unit head 审查s and endorses the policy and sends it to &
  2. The policy team:
    • Check for adherence to standards and the template
    • Coordinate additional 审查 with the policy owner and other offices if needed, to include Office of Compliance and 风险 Management 审查 of legal, compliance, or risk-related elements, SACSCOC liaison 审查 of accreditation implications, Provost’s office 审查 of academic matters, and any others deemed necessary.
  3. The policy owner unit head incorporates and/or confirms any changes resulting from additional 审查 and returns the updated revised policy draft to &
  4. The policy team sends the final draft to the policy authority for 审查 and approval.
  5. Upon policy approval, the policy team informs the policy owner.
  6. The policy owner communicates the policy to appropriate individuals and groups, prioritizing notification to those affected by any immediate impact to operations and owners of relevant documents (catalog, 手册, 网站, 等.) and processes.
  7. The 政策 team posts the 批准 policy in the policy system and policies website; additionally, the policy team.
  8. The 政策 team prompts the policy owner for bi-annual 审查 and update.

Additional helpful guidelines are available on the policy site.


指导方针: Recommendations, best practices, and clarifications.

Minor editorial 修订: A change that does not alter policy intent, 客观的, or ownership, and which does not significantly change procedures. Examples include spelling corrections and updates to titles, departments, or addresses.

政策: A statement of mandatory actions or outcomes.

政策 authority: The President, Provost, and Chief Financial Officer are the university policy authorities.

过程: The required means or steps to comply with the policy.

University-level policy: Those policies necessary for the university to fulfill its mission, operate efficiently, mitigate risk, and/or comply with legal and other external requirements. These policies apply broadly across the institution, not solely to a particular academic or administrative unit, and may impact multiple operational or academic areas.

Compliance Reference



The policy owner implements the policy and related communications. They monitor for effectiveness and compliance, 审查 department policies bi-annually, and recommend updates, 修订s or new policies as needed.

The academic or administrative unit head submits each recommendation for a new policy or substantive policy 修订 on behalf of the unit to the appropriate policy authority or their designee for consideration. They may be charged with drafting the policy recommendation or 修订.

The President, Provost, and Chief Financial Officer are the university policy authorities. 政策 and substantive 修订s are drafted at their discretion and are presented as recommendations for their consideration.  政策 and policy changes must be 批准 by the appropriate policy authority.

The university faculty are the university’s subject matter, academic content, and curriculum experts.  政策 in areas of faculty purview such as curriculum, academic requirements, graduation requirements, and other academic policies are 发达 in consultation with and with recommendation from appropriate academic units, committees, and/or bodies.

The Office of Legal, 风险, and Compliance coordinates policy development and maintenance and monitors for SACSCOC accreditation implications.

The Office of Legal, 风险, and Compliance 审查s policies that could impact compliance or risk and obtain legal advice when needed. 


政策 which do not follow the standard template and process will not be 批准.

